Refuge College Ministry

We help college students meet, know, & follow Jesus

What is Refuge?

Refuge is the college ministry of THE CHAPEL

Over the last 5 years, God has grown Refuge college ministry substantially. Each Sunday night, over 600 students meet in two services to worship God and hear a sermon tailored towards their college experience.

As we grow, it is evident that we need more prayerful and financial partners to faithfully reach this campus.

Here’s how you can partner with Refuge prayerfully and financially

  • Refuge Sunday Nights

    Every Sunday night during the Fall & Spring semester, we host 2 college services at 6:30pm & 8:15pm. We have worship, a sermon, baptisms, testimonies, food, and fun.

    $1000 per night (Sound technician, band, food, promo, games & prizes)

    See pictures here!

  • Boys Bid Night

    Every Fall, Refuge Boys Bid Night gives sorority/fraternity students an opportunity to experience LSU’s Official Bid Night in a God honoring way.

    Due to the social pressures of the night, many sorority girls make choices that they come to regret. Our hope is to give them an alternative that meets them where they are, while giving them a night they won’t forget.

    We rent out a bar (dry of course) fly in a professional DJ and rent a mechanical bull.

    $7000 (Sound, lights, venue, DJ, Bull, food, security)

    See pictures here!

  • Refuge UNITED

    Multiple times a year, we rent out LSU’s Student Union Theatre as an outreach to the campus. Students join us for food, fun, worship, and a message geared towards those outside the Church.

    Last semester, 782 students joined us to hear about the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    $9000 (Sound, lights, venue, food, & security)

    See pictures here!

  • Residency Program

    The Refuge Residency Program exists to give students who feel God leading them to full-time ministry a chance to live as missionaries on the campus LSU. They will grow in their professional, practical, personal, and theological experience.

    Each resident assumes a ministerial position based on their strengths to reach the campus and build God’s kingdom.

    The residency program is a support raised position and applicants are trained how to raise a base of supporters to partner with them.

    Residents can raise up to $50,000 each year

    Here are the positions residents can assume:

    Men’s Ministry Coordinator; Women’s Ministry Coordinator; Greek Ministry Coordinator; Social Media Coordinator; Leadership Development Coordinator; Worship Ministry Coordinator; Serve Team Coordinator; Outreach Coordinator; Connections Coordinator

  • Women's Conference

    Each year, we put on a conference to empower young women to connect, embrace vulnerability, and equip them with the tools to lead and serve. At our conference, we desire for every participant to build lasting relationships, and gain practical understanding of how the Gospel changes their life.

    $10,000 (Main speaker, promo, food, decorations, venue, worship band)

    See pictures here!

  • Welcome Week

    Every Fall, thousands of freshman arrive on LSU’s campus for welcome week and are looking to find their place on this campus. Staff and leaders spend the whole week on campus having gospel conversations and inviting students to Refuge. We utilize LSU’s schedule to engage students where they are and invite them to one of our many events on campus.

    $10000 (T-Shirts, welcome bags, food, sports equipment, rush tables, snacks, games, giveaways, tent, video games, speakers)

    See pictures here!

  • Refuge Leadership

    Students who show a desire to learn, repent and serve are encouraged to step onto leadership to be trained to disciple their peers. Leaders facilitate community groups, plan events, and disciple others students.

    Leaders are paired with mentors and meet every Thursday night to read the bible, pray, and receive wisdom for their life.

    $1000 every other Thursday (Dinner)

  • Common Grounds Coffee

    We have a FREE COFFEE SHOP for college students, open Sun-Thurs. Students can get free Lattes, study, and hang out. Common Grounds is designed to be a blessing for our students, a space for community to flourish, and provide an environment for outsiders to feel welcomed in a church setting.

    $11,000 annual budget (Inventory, maintenance, and special events)

    See pictures here!